Session 6 at the Mind Lab: Connected learning and Connectivism for the DCL course and Leadership Theories and Styles for the LDC course.
As I sit down to write this I feel like a rabbit in the headlights, I don't think it is the morning session of Mind Lab, more likely is the 3 hours shopping in Pukekohe. I can't believe I even stopped at the pet shop for 2 'Christmas bones' for the dogs...what kind of world do we now live in, people starving and homeless and others thinking it's ok to buy Christmas gifts for the dogs.
As I sit down to write this I feel like a rabbit in the headlights, I don't think it is the morning session of Mind Lab, more likely is the 3 hours shopping in Pukekohe. I can't believe I even stopped at the pet shop for 2 'Christmas bones' for the dogs...what kind of world do we now live in, people starving and homeless and others thinking it's ok to buy Christmas gifts for the dogs.
So, as I drive the car (not right at this moment you understand) and I think and reflect (I have just become aware that I do this a lot after our session today). I have to mention the fact that my new associate Alice was very kind to me and put a horse in the picture for the 'personal learning environment' activity...I love horses.It made me realize how important it is to listen carefully and take action to make someone feel good. Alice had mentioned that she liked to think whilst playing Netball and I had hoped to put a little picture of netball in her 'personal learning environment' poster...but for the life of me I couldn't seem to find one...but I shall always remember to inquire how her netball is going in the future. I will try not to ask her every time though as that could be rather annoying...there is always fine line eh.
For the first part of the session today we looked at the assessment that is coming up and
discussed in more detail what makes a good leader? Here are some of the things we came
up with:
up with:
- Good listener
- Know the strengths and weaknesses of team
- Flexible
- Integrity
- Gives credit
- Emotional intelligent
- Enabling others to act
- Vision
- Encouraging
- Humility
- Trustworthy
- Good role model - work ethics and values
We were asked to reflect on how we are as a leader...and this got me thinking. At this present time, and without saying to much, I find myself in a situation where I don't believe the leadership that I am 'under' within my department is really getting the best out of me or suiting my individual needs. What I mean by that is I am finding it very restrictive and a real turn-off. Luckily, I am a bit out on my own down in my little Rural Science area so I can work around the situation at present and I try to just push through and not let it get me down.Some pictures of my happy place (Rural Science Practical Area)....It might not be very smart or state of the art deco but I love it and I don't have to worry about making a mess or too much noise

Oppps there I go again digressing...So here's the thing, with regards to looking at leadership... all this time because I am not in a 'official' leadership role I have been coming from a angle of not finding the current leadership I am experiencing as particularly enjoyable one and I am struggling to understand why someone would feel the need to control everything and anything and how I feel this is just killing collaboration within department and also, if I allowed it to, could have a very negative effect on my creativity and passion for my role in education.
But today, something changed and it allowed me to look at it from a different point of view and this view allowed me to see yes this person is the 'official' leader and I needed to follow suit and complete all that is reasonably asked of me (which I have always done if case your wondering)...but (and this was the change) what about me in this situation? People will be observing how I behave and react as a leader to what is happening. Am I responding as a leader I would like to have or am I responding as a leader I would not want to be a part of?
When things come up that I don't agree with, am I able to lead myself well, articulate my beliefs and negotiate in an assertive, but polite manner and as a successful and respective leader would? Or do I struggle to know how to deal with the issue productively and not demonstrate and model what I consider to be good leadership? What leadership skills and values do I model to my students? I had never thought about things like this before and I think it might allow me some positive growth and confidence to try and bring up and tackle issues from a new perspective. It may also allow me to be a little more empathic to others with different leadership styles to myself, afterall why should I think my way if the only way, or the right way.
When things come up that I don't agree with, am I able to lead myself well, articulate my beliefs and negotiate in an assertive, but polite manner and as a successful and respective leader would? Or do I struggle to know how to deal with the issue productively and not demonstrate and model what I consider to be good leadership? What leadership skills and values do I model to my students? I had never thought about things like this before and I think it might allow me some positive growth and confidence to try and bring up and tackle issues from a new perspective. It may also allow me to be a little more empathic to others with different leadership styles to myself, afterall why should I think my way if the only way, or the right way.
In this link below It allows you to see what type of leader you are.
Here are my results;
Here are my results;
Authoritarian 26
Procedural 27
Transformational 40
Participative 38
Laissez Faire 36
I think I am quite proud and happy to come out top on the transformational style on the leadership rubic, it makes me feel good that I am not an Authoritarian because, although they say there is good and bad from each type of leadership style, I have to admit I find this type of leadership does not bring out the best of me and I find it really draining for some reason. It is like it just kills my enthusiasm, passion and creativity. I suppose we are all different though and maybe some would find the authoritarian leadership as a security blanket, just being told what to do and when.....urrrrgh it sends shivers down my spine. It also allows me to consider how my leadership style may be a turn off to those who couldn't stand being led in a different style than the one which they are? Being aware of this may allow me to be more sensitive and varied when or if I am in an official leadership role.
Here is a little snippet of the main leadership styles